Prepare for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in history in 2025 quickly and efficiently using this application. Read all the theory, take tests on each topic and track your growing progress. Constant small training always at hand is a direct path to high scores in the exam.
Tens of thousands of schoolchildren across the country are already preparing with us. We are winners of a startup competition and holders of several development grants.
The application is ideal for preparing for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in History. The entire theory is divided into topics and sections, for example, historical figures, terms, a list of dates in the history of Russia and the world, architecture and painting. Each text and article is supplemented by practice: assignments and tests to test and consolidate knowledge.
What else do you have:
- save and track your progress
- battles and ratings with other users
- cards for repeating material
- personal training and recommendations
- your achievements and trophies
- special mini-courses